Nextcloud for research

The main difference between NextCloud Research and the “UPJV Cloud” service is the fact that the data are stored on an equipment financed by the MatriCS platform. The activation of NextCloud for Research adds a folder “UPJV-RECHERCHE” (except specific project and laboratory) to your “Cloud UPJV”. The access to the NextCloud Research does not imply the opening of an account on the MatriCS computing platform. The use is identical to the “Cloud UPJV” of which here is the documentation.


The NextCloud Research offers 300 TB of storage to all the research laboratories and platforms of the University Picardie Jules Verne. Its role is to provide a storage solution for research data.

Request for access

The request for access to the Next Cloud Research is done for the members of the UPJV via this form: pdf version, odt version. The access to the Next Cloud Recherche implies the acceptance of the charter of use.
Please send your account creation form by email, preferably in scanned version.

We kindly ask you to complete the form accurately. For instance, the name of the laboratory director must be clearly written, as their signature alone is not sufficient. The same requirement applies to the potential supervisor.

Requests submitted solely by email without the attached form will be rejected, even for student internship requests. Please use the required form.


  • The user commits himself to deposit research data (Results, articles, …)
  • The creation of a standard account corresponds to 100 GB for a researcher, 1 TB for a research project and 5 TB for a laboratory or a platform