E. Bretagne, D. Durand, J. Da Fonseca, E. Serra, ‘Application de la robotique humanoïde au traitement de la douleur‘, 10ème conférence Francophone en Gestion et Ingénierie des Systèmes Hospitaliers, 2020.

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  • Abstract : Chronic pain is a major health issue with significant emotional and social repercussions. In the digital age, how can a humanoid robot contribute to improving the quality of life for individuals experiencing pain? By providing information to the patient, enabling pain assessment and monitoring, diverting attention, and offering personalized therapeutic responses (non-pharmacological interventions) pre-selected by the patient and their doctor. Our interdisciplinary research aims to explore the collaboration between humans and a social humanoid robot in enhancing the robot’s assessment of the painful experience through various sensors. These actions are facilitated by the humanoid nature of the robot. The ultimate goal is to identify relevant and/or preventive interactions (non-pharmacological interventions) based on the patient’s pain level, under the supervision of a physician.